Get started with Health Explorer. Tell us a bit about yourself so we can help recommend the best plan, at the best price, for you and your family. We'll also help estimate what savings you might qualify for.
You'll be able to choose from hundreds of options from carriers with plans you can trust. All the plans we offer are ACA-compliant. That means they cover essential health benefits like preventive care, and are available even to folks with pre-existing conditions.
Still debating which to choose? Here's what we recommend you consider.
1. Savings
Catch will find all of the discounts you qualify for based on your income, family size and where you live.
2. Cost of the plan
Premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maxes are all costs to consider. While you should make sure you choose a plan you can afford each month, you should also consider what other costs go along with the plan.
For example, if you know you are going to have an expensive surgery this year, be sure to take into account the out-of-pocket max. It may be worth paying more each month for a lower maximum amount you'll have to pay.
3. Medicines and doctors
If you have medicines you take and doctors you visit, check to make sure they are in-network or covered. It may be worth a slightly higher premium for better coverage of your doctors and medicines (lower costs of care).
4. Metal tiers
Take a look at the metal tier: the higher the metal tier, the more the insurance company will pay when you need care (which is why the premium on these plans costs a bit more). If you anticipate using health care a lot, a higher metal tier (eg, gold or platinum) may be better for you financially.
5. Plan type
The specifics of each health insurance plan vary, but the rule of thumb is that PPOs are a little more expensive than HMOs, but PPOs give you more flexibility in where you get your care.
HMOs require a referral to see a specialist. PPOs generally don't. PPOs also cover more out-of-network care than HMOs. If that flexibility is important to you (or you travel a lot), a PPO may be a better option. You can find more info about these network types here.
Still have questions?
Catch Support is here to help!