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No coverage through Medicare
Jess avatar
Written by Jess
Updated over a week ago

Documents to confirm you don’t have qualifying health coverage through Medicare

Submit this document if you need to confirm that you don’t have coverage through Medicare:

Letter or statement from Medicare or the Social Security Administration stating that you or your family members are:

  • Not eligible for or enrolled in premium-free Medicare Part A.

  • Eligible for, but not enrolled in, Part A coverage that requires premium             payments. Important: A Social Security document that shows you don’t pay a premium for “Medical Insurance” refers to Part B. It’s not acceptable for verifying eligibility for Part A.

  • No longer eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and your coverage has ended or will end in the next 90 days.

If you don’t have this document, you can submit a letter describing why you're not eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A. The Marketplace will take your letter into consideration. You can use this template. To submit this letter, select “Other” from the drop-down menu when you’re on the upload screen in the application.

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